Basil is one of the top companion plants in the world. There is no question about it. You can read our article about everything you need to know about basil companion plants here.
That said, not all plants benefit from basil’s protective powers and essential oils.
Read on below and discover 25 helpful answers to your questions about basil companion plants!
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Can Basil and Dill be Planted Together?
Basil and dill may be planted in the same container/garden plot because they enjoy the same growing conditions. Both basil and dill grow well in soil, or hydroponic systems, alongside a host of other herbs.
Basil and dill are often planted together in the garden, along with other kitchen herbs. A large number of common household spices, like dill, basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint all share the same nutritional and environmental needs.
Can You Plant Different Types of Basil Together?
You can plant as many different types of basil together as you’d like to, various species of basil pose no issue to one another. The only drawback of planting different types of basil together is mixing them up and not knowing how to label them for use or sale.
There are well over 150 various types of basil that you can grow in pots, gardens, or hydroponic systems. In nearly almost all cases you can plant various species of basil together without having any negative effects. That said, you may want to take the time to clearly mark them (so you can separate them properly when you harvest).
Can Basil and Tomatoes be Planted Together?
Tomatoes and basil are one of the best plant combinations in the garden, period. That said, tomatoes benefit the most, as the basil protects its fruits from pests. All in all, you get healthy tomatoes, robust herbs, and way fewer insects to worry about. So, what’s not to like?
When planted near tomatoes, basil plants bloom and attract even more beneficial pollinators to your tomato plants. They also ward off the majority of flies and worms that would otherwise harass and feed on your tomatoes.
Can Basil and Oregano be Planted Together?
Basil and oregano are perfect examples of ideal companion plants. Both of them are essential kitchen herbs, and because they are both flowering, being planted near each other makes them more potent.
Planting essential flowering herbs together, like basil, oregano, and chamomile results in stronger herbs. These flowering herbs rub off on each other and increase the number of essential oils on their leaves and buds. The main effect is that all the herbs are more flavorful once harvested, dried, and cured.
Can Basil and Chives be Planted Together?
Basil and chives go together like a couple of peas, side-by-side in their pod. They are both blooming herbs that flower. Because they are both full of essential oils, being planted together strengthens them in the long run.
When you plant two or more kitchen herbs together, that is full of essential oils, such as chamomile, basil, chives, or oregano, they will all retain a bit of each other’s flavors. In other words, if you grow basil and chives together, the basil may taste a bit like chives, and the chives may have a hint of basil flavor to them as well.
Can Basil and Strawberries be Planted Together?
Strawberries and basil go rather well together in most cases, both in the garden and on the plate. In fact, planting and growing basil and strawberry plants together help ward pests away from one another as well as promote healthier overall growth.
Basil and strawberries aren’t the most traditional recipe combination, but they are a delicious one for those who enjoy the mixed flavor. In the garden, containers, or hydroponic growing systems, basil and strawberries growing side by side are exceedingly common these days.
Can Basil and Sage be Planted Together?
Basil and sage are equally amazing herbs, for the most part, people either love them or adore them. That said, these two lovely herbs should never be planted too close to each other. The plants are extremely competitive and thus will not thrive together. Planting them together is a sure recipe for disaster.
In the case that you are planting in containers, basil and sage may be placed near each other, but shouldn’t be planted in the same container. When planted near each other, basil and sage compete for the available moisture, nutrients, sunlight, and space. Unless you want to find out which one is stronger, you need to separate these guys by at least 36 to 48 inches.
Can Basil and Cucumbers be Planted Together?
Basil and cucumber are two very different types of plants; basil is an aromatic herb and cucumbers are vegetables (or fruits) that consist of mostly water. They shouldn’t be planted together. When you plant the two of them in close proximity to each other, the taste of basil infuses the cucumbers.
If you plant your basil and cucumbers too close together, they will end up tasting like each other. The basil is the stronger of the two, as it’s a relatively potent smelling herb, so it is the least affected by such an arrangement. Your cucumbers on the other hand will end up tasting like they have a basil injection.
Can Basil and Lavender be Planted Together?
Basil and lavender are two of the most beloved plants for herbal and flower gardens. Thankfully, they also grow very well together. When planted together, basil acts as a form of natural pest control for the lavender. In exchange, both plants, in their final dried and cured forms take on hints of one another.
Depending on the amount of lavender and basil you have growing together, and factors like how big and oily each individual plant is, your basil and lavender may smell more or less like one another. The bottom line is, if you plant them together, they will smell like each other, and even taste like each other, at least to a small degree. If they are growing right on top of each other, their tastes may be practically indistinguishable.
Can Basil and Lemon Balm be Planted Together?
Basil is one of the best annuals for planting together with lemon balm, a bushy perennial herb that grows back on its own every year. The leaves of the lemon balm plant have a strong citrus aroma, making it highly favored in tea and other herbal blends. Planted together with basil, it takes on new levels of flavor.
Lemon balm is a perfect example of a container plant that does well when sharing space with other herbs. Paired with an equally strong-scented plant, like basil, the two are practically pest resistant just thanks to their smell. The only issue with planting these two right up on each other, in the same pot, or plot, is that neither one will taste as it otherwise would traditionally.
Can Basil and Eggplant be Planted Together?
Basil is one of the only aromatic plants that should be planted with eggplant, dill, and celery are the other two. That’s because basil has a strong aroma, which helps repel harmful insect species from the area.
Eggplants benefit the most from aromatic plants such as basil, marigolds, and thyme. Never plant eggplants near fennel, as the species may want to compete with your eggplants for nutrients and may also contribute directly to pest infections.
Can Basil and Garlic be Planted Together?
Basil and garlic are excellent companions, both plants are well-known for their pest-resistant properties (particularly their strong aromas). When planted near basil, garlic runs off aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Basil wards off other harmful pest species.
If you’re planting a full-on herb garden, garlic and basil are excellent companions for most of the plants you’ll be growing. Further, not only do they do well planted together, they may also be planted together as a form of pest control for the entire herb garden. Even in a vegetable or flower garden, basil and garlic, alone or together, may be used as effective organic pest control.
Can Basil and Lettuce be Planted Together?
Planting basil and lettuce together is a common practice for organic gardeners. Basil plants are aromatic and blooming, which attract beneficial insects and ward off harmful ones. Culinary artists and chefs enjoy growing basil and lettuce together because they influence each other’s final taste once harvested and prepared for your plate.
Planting lettuce and basil together is an affordable way to keep the pests in your lettuce crop under control. It’s also a great way to get some extra basil in for the year as well. If you grow them close enough together, their essential oils will rub off on each other. That means your lettuce will end up tasting like it has a hint of basil in its genes.
Can Marigolds and Basil be Planted Together?
Not only can marigolds and basil be planted together, but they should be planted together if you want to enjoy their pest-resistant properties to the fullest. Planting marigolds and basil close together, around your garden, may rid the entire area of harmful pests.
Both marigolds and basil are well-known for being naturally pest resistant. Further, they both offer a much higher level of protection than other pest-resistant plants. The blooms, and essential oils, of both plants, are extra potent, which most insects can’t stand.
Can Basil and Onions be Planted Together?
Basil and onions are often planted together, and rightly so; they make excellent companions plants for the garden. Basil repels many harmful insects and attracts beneficial ones during its blooming phase. Onions also act as a potent form of natural pest control, thanks to their pungent smell.
Onions are one of the most commonly used plants for pest control. They smell to high heavens and insects are repelled by them, as are deer and other pests. Adding basil to the same vicinity as onions is a majorly effective way to repel the majority of pests from your garden, containers, flower beds, or yard in general.
Can Basil and Peppers be Planted Together?
Basil and peppers are classically planted together all of the time in yard gardens. Peppers and basil are both blooming plants, and thus both attract helpful pollinators like bees. Basil’s strong smell and potent essential oils do the rest, keeping most of the harmful insects at bay.
The best way to play basil with peppers is either in containers or alternating a basil plant between every pepper plant or two in your rows or raised beds. The more basil you have, the fewer bugs will bother your peppers. Likewise, the extra pollinators that come for the basil will help your peppers as well.
Can Basil and Arugula be Planted Together?
Basil and arugula are great examples of a couple of companion plants you find growing together in gardens commonly. The main reason is that basil is a great pest deterrent, and arugula greatly benefits from it. To be fair, basil also benefits by having a close companion to act as a trap plant.
Arugula may not send pests running the way that basil, garlic, or marigolds do, but the plants are extremely beneficial as traps. If you are planting basil as pest control in your garden, consider planting arugula nearby. That way, the arugula is more likely to become infested by aggressive pests than your basil.
Can Basil and Spinach be Planted Together?
Spinach and basil can be planted together, but there is not much proof of it being a special companionship. Spinach is highly pest resistant, so it doesn’t need a protector like basil, to begin with. Basil, likewise, doesn’t necessarily need anything from spinach.
Basil and Spinach may be planted together, and the basil will more than likely act as some sort of pest deterrent. However, as Spinach is already pest resistant by nature, it isn’t necessary. That means you could plant something more useful with the Spinach, like onions, garlic, chives, or other marigolds.
Can Anise and Basil be Planted Together?
Basil and anise should not be planted together, pretty much ever. Not only do they not benefit of compliment each other in any shape form or fashion, but they are also practically toxic to each other.
When you plant basil and anise together, only one is likely to survive. If both plants do happen to survive, one will be predominantly larger and healthier than the other. The reason being? These two plants have no love for each other, they require a lot of the same nutrients, and they compete for everything… right down to space.
Can Basil and Green Beans be Planted Together?
Basil and green beans can be planted together, and quite often are in the vegetable garden. Green beans need plenty of light and moisture, as does basil. The basil plants keep the harmful pests away from the beans, and the beans provide a companion to the basil.
Green beans benefit from being planted with or nearby basil, mainly due to the strong essential oils and powerful aroma of basil. Basil is one of the very best plants to plant around your beans as a natural pest barrier. If you want to get fancy, plant some marigolds in the pattern as well.
Can Carrots and Basil be Planted Together?
Basil and carrots indeed grow well together, despite what your neighbor told you. The basil provides a canopy that protects the carrots, keeps the moist, and protects them from harmful bugs.
Carrots and other small root vegetables greatly benefit from being planted with the pungently aromatic basil plants more than basil plants actually do. The smelly basil keeps harmful boring insects from eating them and turning them, or parts of them, rotten before harvest.
Can Swiss Chard and Basil be Planted Together?
Swiss chard grows best with plants like cabbage, kale, leeks, celery, marigolds, and yes, even basil. Basil is pretty much a cureall for pests in the garden, including when planted with swiss chard and its various favorite companion species.
The basil plants themselves don’t benefit much from being planted with swiss chard. However, the benefit of the basil, to the swiss chard, is astronomical. If you’ve ever planted swiss chard without a pest thwarting species like basil or marigolds, you know how many pests are attracted to the species. With basil? Practically nothing!
Can Corn and Basil be Planted Together?
Basil and corn are another pair of excellent companion plants that probably don’t spring to mind when you think of companion planting in the garden. That said, planting basil at the end of your corn rows cuts down on weevils and other harmful insects tremendously.
Basil can be planted at the beginning and end of your corn rows, to run off the majority of pests that are attracted to young corn. If you are planting stands/clusters of corn, in the ground of containers, you can plant basil nearby for the same effect.
Can Basil and Kale be Planted Together?
Basil and kale are another set of ideal companion plants whether you are planting inside, outside, in the ground, in containers, or in hydroponic systems. Whether you are after the basil, the kale, or both, this combination produces healthy greens with a tinge of basil flavor and loads of fresh herb as well.
Outside, plant rows of kale, with a basil plant at the beginning and end, as well as the middle if they are long rows. You may also consider planting a small basil plant in the center of grow boxes with lettuce, or in pots beside a few heads of lettuce.
Can Lemongrass and Basil be Planted Together?
Lemongrass and basil are good companion plants, albeit they aren’t always grown together because they are both so pungent. When you grow plants like basil and lemongrass together, their essential oils rub off on each other and affect the end flavor of the herbs once harvested, dried, and cured for use.
Basil and lemongrass can be planted together, though they will influence the way they taste. That said, some folks swear by the lemongrass and basil combo (especially if you add a hint of ginger to the mix, apparently!).
Can Squash and Zucchini and Basil be Planted Together?
Zucchini and basil is another combination that grows well together, especially outdoors in the soil. When planted near the zucchini plants, basil plants act as sentinels that ward off the bulk of the harmful insects.
Basil and zucchini grow exceptionally well together, even though they are constantly looked over as companions. The truth is zucchini benefits greatly from being planted with basil. With basil protecting them, they are free to focus all their energy and nutrients on developing healthy fruits.