Mandevilla is a gorgeous perennial vining flower species with origins in the tropics and subtropics. With the right conditions, they grow at a rather moderate rate.
How fast does Mandevilla grow?
Outdoor Mandevilla plants grow rather quickly; between 10 and 15 feet in just one growing season. Mound-like Mandevilla, on the other hand, typically grown in pots, and flowerbeds, grow just 12 to 18 inches in the same amount of time. Proper watering, fertilizing, sunlight, airflow, and pest control contribute to a healthy growth rate.
Read on below and learn how fast Mandevilla grows!
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How Fast Does Mandevilla Grow?
The average outdoor Mandevilla plant grows up to 10 feet during its first growing season. Some Mandevilla may grow up to 15 feet or more the first year they are planted.
Because of the fact that outdoor Mandevilla grows like vines, they need a trellis or some other type of support system in place when planted.
Keep in mind the better cared for that your Mandevilla plants are, the faster the vines will grow and the more blooms will be produced.
Proper fertilization also plays a key role in making sure that your Mandevilla develops as quickly and grows as healthy as possible.
Other considerations include drought, frost, severe storms, and hot weather.
You must react to each incident, or take precautionary measures, in order to protect your Mandeville.
For example, if they are potted, you may have netting prepared to slide over the top of your Mandevilla during a heatwave.
Likewise, you could have a place picked out for your potted Mandevilla where they will be protected and thrive indoors during bad weather.
Indoor vs Outdoors Mandevilla Growing: Which is Faster?
The Mandevilla plant is considered a prolific grower during the season.
Mandevilla that are planted outside tends to grow faster than plants in pots indoors. The main reason outdoor Mandevilla grows faster is the difference in natural sunlight that it receives in comparison to the plants inside your house.
Even if your indoor Mandevilla is positioned in a bright window, it’s not getting the same amount of energy from the sun as the outdoor plants. Likewise, indoor plants lack the massive airflow that outdoor plants enjoy.
Another aspect to take into consideration when comparing the growth rates of outdoor and indoor Mandevilla is the available nutrients.
All plants need a variety of nutrients to grow and thrive, and Mandevilla is certainly no different.
Outdoor Mandevilla has access to a store of nutrients in the ground, deposited there by the decomposition of plant matter, bacteria, and insects like worms which deposit nitrogen.
Indoor Mandevilla, however, may only access and feed itself with the specific nutrients you make available for it in its pot.
If you want your indoor plant to thrive, and grow even remotely as quickly as your outdoor Mandevilla, you will need to place it in a bright window, make sure it has plenty of airflow, and provide it with plant food and water regularly.
Mandevilla Vines vs Mound Shaped Mandevilla Growing Rate: Are There Differences?
Mound-shaped Mandevilla grows approximately 12 to 18 inches each growing season.
Compared to the 10 to 15 feet of growth produced by Mandevilla vines each season, the growth rate of Mandevilla that grows like a mound is a drastic difference.
Mandevilla mound vines are ideal for pots and houseplants due to their much more manageable size.
Even more, mound-shaped Mandevilla may require pruning just once every 2 to 3 years. Vining Mandevilla species which are much larger than mound-shaped ones require a trim each year.
All in all, Mandevilla grows rather quickly when you take into account that the average comparable flowers take up to two years to mature.
Why is My Mandevilla Growing So Slow?
There are numerous plausible reasons why your Mandevilla may be growing slower than you would like.
Lack of Proper Light
The first major factor that slows Mandevilla’s growth is a lack of proper lighting.
If your plant is situated somewhere that receives less than 6 hours of direct light from the sun, it is likely going to grow slower than others.
Temperature Fluctuations
The second major reason why Mandevilla grows slowly is temperature fluctuations and/or being planted in the wrong climate.
A major lack of airflow is another significant reason your Mandevilla may be growing slower than usual.
Lack of Airflow
If there are too many vines, or other plants around, blocking the airflow around the base of the plant it may cause parts to rot and die.
Lack of Nutrients
If your Mandevilla is growing slowly, but gets enough light, water, airflow, and is situated in stable temperatures, the issue is probably a lack of nutrients.
How Can I Make My Mandevilla Grow Faster?
There are far more ways for making your Mandevilla grow faster than there are factors that make it grow slow.
Provide Better Light
The very first step to ensuring your Mandevilla grows at a proper rate is making sure it’s receiving plenty of sunlight.
Outside, this translates to planting it somewhere that gets as close to full sun as possible. That said, a spot with a bit of shade in the morning or evening is preferable.
If your plant is inside, set it in a window that gets plenty of sunlight and consider giving it a boost with a grow light if necessary.
Proper Fertilization
Mandevilla prefers a fertilizer product with a 20-20-20 NPK.
All you need to do to ensure a good growth rate for your plants is give them a healthy dose of nutrients each early spring.
Alternatively, you may choose to give the plants liquid nutrients with their water, every 3 to 4 weeks or so.
Keep the Plant Hydrated
Proper watering techniques are necessary for a Mandevilla to grow at its fastest growth rates.
Avoid allowing your plants to dry up in between watering sessions. Use a moisture meter, or a water schedule app, if you need to.
Planting it, or potting it, in the fast-draining and sandy soil is equally important. Mandevilla like to be moist, constantly, but not soaking wet.
Increase the Airflow
The space around the plants is crucial because it allows for adequate airflow.
Without enough airflow, the soil may stay more damper than necessary. Likewise, harmful pests may be more attracted to the plant than usual.
If your plant is crowded with companion plants or is pressed close to a tree or building, you may need to trim up its sides or reposition it together if you want it to grow at a moderate pace.
Utilize Companion Plants
Utilizing companion plants is a great way to ensure that your Mandevilla not only looks its best but also thrives and grows as quickly as possible.
Consider a plant like basil, or marigolds, which will look beautiful together, and provide powerful organic pest control benefits as well.
Another great option is nitrogen issue fixing plants like clover or beans.
Having companions to keep them company, help regulate pest issues and boost the nutrition of the soil goes further than most tactics in helping your Mandevilla grow faster.
Use Pest Control
Pest control is another common sense way to help your Mandevilla grow faster.
Whether you use organic methods like apple cider and cinnamon, or you go with something a bit stronger (like store-bought pesticides), you are controlling the pests that would otherwise hamper your plant’s growth.
Left unchecked, or even unnoticed, pests can inhibit the growth of plants due to feed on new shoots and leaves before they can develop.