Why Are My Peppers Turning Purple? (All Possible Answers)

Why Are My Peppers Turning Purple?

Planting peppers is a favorite pastime for gardeners (and salsa lovers) worldwide, but things don’t always go right. Sometimes your peppers turn purple! Why are my peppers turning purple? Your pepper plants may be turning purple because it is part of their natural ripening process, they are extra rich in iron, low in nutrients like … Read more

Why Are My Mandevilla Leaves Turning Yellow?

why are my mandevilla leaves turning yellow?

Mandevilla is a beautiful vining flower of a tropical/subtropical genus, but something their leaves turn yellow. Why are my Mandevilla leaves turning yellow? Your Mandevilla leaves may be turning yellow for a number of natural reasons. Some of the main reasons include watering problems, light issues, not enough airflow, being planted in the wrong location, … Read more